Thursday, July 19, 2012

Richmond Action Dialogues: conflict within the group

     Last week’s dialogue left nearly everyone with a heavy heart, wondering what could be done to mend some of the rifts within the group. At the previous Richmond Action Dialogue the students were asked to anonymously write their inner conflicts as well any group conflicts. When the conflicts within the group were revealed, the tension in the room was palpable. Some were feeling hurt because they felt judged by people they just met, while others felt there was a lack of concern for other people within the group.

IYLEP visited Peter Paul Development Center
and taught the Children about Iraqi Culture

     We started the dialogue with a “wisdom circle,” where we all expressed our feelings about conflict. A person would step into the circle to say something about conflict and if other people in the group agreed with that statement, they too would step into the circle. Some mentioned they thrive on conflict or that conflict was the best way to move toward change. Others, however, were uncomfortable with conflict and expressed that within the circle.
     When the group understood how different individuals felt about conflict, we moved on to talk about the conflict the students had mentioned on the cards. As a mentor, I have no idea who wrote each of the questions, but I could tell from the beginning which individuals were feeling hurt within the group. After each group discussed their topics, the groups were asked to share what they learned.
     Now, only a week later, it is amazing to see the change taking place, not only within the group but with individuals. As a mentor I get the privilege of spending a good deal of time with all of the IYLEPers and this week in particular gave me hope. I witnessed individuals making an effort to mend broken relationships, people were loaning each other laptops for the midterm, the students were proofreading for one another and “enemies” from the start even shook hands.
     I started noticing a change as the students presented about the different regions of Iraq at the Richmond Public Library. Although many of them come from different regions in Iraq and have different cultural experiences, they were answering questions from Richmonders as a united front.
Fatima working with a student at
Peter Paul Development Center
     During our visit to Peter Paul Development Center, I noticed how much more united the group was as they demonstrated parts of their Iraqi culture. The group did a bit of dancing, where they joined hands with one another and the students at Peter Paul Development Center, jumping around the gym to Kurdish music.  There was something very powerful to me about people joining hands to dance. Dance to me is a joyful activity and joining hands is a symbol of unity. The whole experience made me see how much the dialogue on conflict helped the group put differences aside.

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